I have a very good friend and business mentor that taught me this golden rule – if you sling mud, plan on getting muddy. If you feel you’ve been “wronged” in life or business, look up instead of down. What I mean by that, is seek higher ground – take the high road. If you’re looking down, you’re range of vision is very narrow and you’re missing out on all the opportunity that surrounds you (which there is plenty of). Your range of vision is unlimited when you take yourself to higher ground. Regardless of the wrong you feel you may have been dealt, there is always higher ground. Nothing good comes from slinging mud whether you’re right or wrong. The key is to simply move on and chalk it up as a life experience that will make you better and wiser as you grow older. Wisdom is acquired and not taught; hence, look at your situation as another deposit into your bank of wisdom – it will pay dividends in the long run.
Here are a few thought streams to consider when thinking about this post:
- You can’t sling mud unless you’re still standing in it – my advice, get out of the mud!
- Mud is messy and can make you very dirty – stay clean!
- Mud always settles at the lowest point – if you stand on higher ground, you will stay clean and can see everything around you.
The point is…there is nothing good that can come from slinging mud. You may have short-term satisfaction in “saying your peace”, but it will likely have long-term ramifications. Always travel the high road and stay clean!
This applies to sales as well. You may have “dirt” on your competition, but it will only hurt you to play that card. By association, if you’re slinging mud, you’re also standing in it. Focus on your strengths and let others highlight their own weaknesses – that’s not your job. Set the bar high and make other rise to your level. There is no need or purpose to sling mud toward a competitor. You may think it’s going to give you a competitive advantage; whereas, in reality you may have shot yourself in the foot.
In closing…take the high road; otherwise, plan on getting muddy!