Protecting vs. Driving Revenue

When it comes to partnering we are so often focused on driving revenue that we forget about the importance of protecting revenue. You’ve made significant investments in acquiring and maintaining …

The Hunt

Sorry direct sales professionals, you can stop reading now as this post is geared toward partners…unless you’re interested in duplicating yourself and working smarter instead of harder (or maybe both). …

Overcoming Budgetary Barriers

I’ve discussed this topic in a couple of other thought streams, but I’d like to come back to it. If you’re a sales professional carrying a quota, overcoming budgetary barriers …

Cloaked in Bliss

I recently wrote a “Thought Stream” titled “Winning the Lottery“. This was about a very personal struggle me and my family were (and still are) going through. There were some …

Winning the Lottery

I’ve been overwhelmed with all the kind words, thoughts, and prayers as I’m seeking a new career path to support my family. My former employer dissolved my position prior to …